Foreign National Market

Foreign nationals are a growing demographic in the United States. It has become increasingly common for individuals who are not U.S. citizens to regularly visit, own property , have significant business, family and/or other financial ties to the United States. They may be unaware of the potential estate tax exposure they face. Their U.S. based assets may be subject to a federal estate tax as high as 40% with only a small exemption available. These individuals may have special estate and tax planning needs under the United States’ federal tax rules. U.S. dollar-denominated life insurance can help provide death benefit protection, long-term tax benefits and certainty in estate planning and be used to help pay estate taxes and protect the quality of life for their family.

Applying for a U.S. life insurance as a foreign national or non U.S. citizen is not difficult, but does require working with an agent, as insurance companies will underwrite you based on several factors with the most important of which country you permanently reside in.


If you’re interested in a U.S. life insurance quote as a foreign national or non U.S. resident , please contact us!